Warm Community Involvement

Since 1980 Warm Products, Inc. has been dedicated to serving the communities surrounding each manufacturing facility and the corporate offices.  Team members are encouraged to volunteer with their favorite nonprofit organizations with regular pay for up to 20 hours annually.  Working with Morningside in Olympia, WA, WIN provides employment to support the self-sufficiency of people with disabilities. Since 2012, WIN has participated annually in the BIG CLIMB Seattle raising tens of thousands of dollars in the fight against Leukemia and Lymphoma.  WIN proudly supports the following area non-profit organizations:

Morningside Services Providing employment services to individuals with disabilities. www.morningsideservices.com
Red Cross www.redcross.org
UNICEF http://www.unicefusa.org
Girl Scouts of America www.girlscouts.org
The Museum of Flight Supplied product for plane renovation www.museumofflight.org
Leukemia Lymphoma Society www.llswa.org

Warm Products Inc makes monthly donations to the area food bank at every location:

Food Bank of Elma www.cityofelma.com
Henderson County Food Bank www.iamhendersoncounty.org
McCleary Food Bank www.cityofmccleary.com
Lynnwood Food Bank www.lynnwoodfoodbank.org

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